Future Dates
for Your Diary

Eucharistic Adoration at Abbey Church
Mar 26 at 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Confessions before Sunday Mass at Confessionals in the Abbey Church
Mar 30 at 8:45 am – 9:15 am

Welcome to Worth Abbey Parish

For more information on giving to the parish, click below.
Parish Giving


Video live streaming of the Parish Sunday Vigil Mass celebrated each Saturday at 5.00pm can be viewed here **Privacy Impact Assessment of Live Stream**





Worth Abbey is one of 3 places which have been designated as special places of pilgrimage where Holy Year Indulgences can be gained.

A plenary indulgence is a grace granted by the Church which cleanses our soul and helps us to grow closer to God. When we sin, we not only damage our relationship with God, we create a need for healing and repair in our souls and in the world. Through Reconciliation God forgives our sins, but the effects of our sins may still need to be addressed. Indulgences are a beautiful practice combining prayer, good works and spiritual renewal, to help repair that damage. Find out more here

Please pray for Beryl McNulty, who has had an accident and for our parishioners Lin Eade who is in hospital, Jelly Labto, Sheila Charman, Hal Clarke. Jenny Chapman, Gillian Maher, Krysia Smith, Maureen Evans, Pamela Bagwell, Terry and Susan Scoble, Sue Pearson, John and Sue Rutherford, Demelza Waring, Liz Hicklin, Helen Sweetman, Jill Carter and Laura Rawlinson.

Loving and Merciful God, We come before You in prayer, lifting up Your servant, Pope Francis, in his time of need. You are the Source of all healing, and we ask You to surround him with Your loving presence, granting him strength and recovery. May Your divine grace rest upon him, restoring his health and filling him with renewed vigour to continue leading Your Church with compassion and wisdom.

“But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord.” (Jeremiah 30:17)

We place Pope Francis into Your hands, trusting in Your eternal care. May he be comforted by the love of the Church and the prayers of all the faithful. We ask, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, that his recovery be swift, and his spirit be strengthened in Your peace. May Your will be done in his life, O Lord, and may Your healing power be with him always. We offer this prayer in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Credit: Caritas Jerusalem

Updates on Pope Francis’ health from Vatican News

God of peace, bearer of hope, we seek your help for the peoples of the Middle East. Quiet the clamour of war  and guide us towards peace. Where there is hatred and division sow seeds of calm and openness. Where there is destruction help us to rebuild. Where children are crying bring an end to tears. Shelter your peoples and protect them. Guide them and keep them from harm. Show us how to break down  the barriers of history and fear and breathe whispers of hope. Amen.  Linda Jones / CAFOD


Weekly updates

“Sir, let it alone this year also, until I dig around it and put on manure. Then if it should bear fruit next year, well and good; but if not, you can cut it down.” Based on the gospel for Sunday 23rd March Third Sunday in Lent: Luke 13:8-9

Bishop Richard’s Weekly Reflection for the Third Sunday in Lent (C): “We are called to examine our lives this Lent” March 21, 2025

Sunday Mass Sheet  for the Third Sunday in Lent (C) 23rd March 2025 (Celebrant: Father Martin)

About the Parish 

We, the parish of Worth Abbey, in the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton, welcome parishioners from a wide area.  We benefit from a unique location among the Benedictine monastic community of Worth.  We wish to become, by the grace of God, a strong Community, united in prayer to Jesus and to one another, by relations of love and commitment.

Our mission is to foster values of welcome and hospitality towards our fellow Christians, and to those of other faiths and none.

We are committed to service and outreach to the poor and those in need; to evangelisation; to the young; and to the protection of God’s Creation.

We seek to build upon existing work to nurture a flourishing parish 

To register as a parish member, please click here

Please remember that the black bin in the Parish Office porch is available for your food bank donations.

Prayer requests can be found on the Pastoral Care page.

Prayer Request



Conversion of Heart for the Earth. A Lenten Journey of Faith and Creation Care. Lent is an invitation to look at both our spiritual and ecological lives with fresh eyes. It’s a time to acknowledge the ways in which our hearts need to change, and then take concrete actions to make that change visible in the world. We invite all Catholics to embrace this sacred season by reflecting on how we can care for our Earth, making small changes to our daily actions, and reconnecting with creation through meaningful steps toward healing and sustainability. Get the 2025 Lent Calendar

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Latest Prayer

God of Mercy,
We pray for Ukraine. For all of humanity distorted by war.
For all the lives lost, homes seized and peace broken.
May the Spirit of comfort and compassion envelop all who dwell in fear. May the Spirit of wisdom and humility enliven our global leaders. May we affirm the dignity and rights of all. May we seek peace.