For more information on giving to the parish, click below.
Parish Giving
Video live streaming of the Parish Sunday Vigil Mass celebrated each Saturday at 5.00pm can be viewed here **Privacy Impact Assessment of Live Stream**
Please pray for Jenny Chapman who is recovering at home after a fall and for Gillian Maher who is unwell. Please continue to pray for our parishioners Krysia Smith, Maureen Evans, Joan Wells, Pamela Bagwell, Terry and Susan Scoble, Sue Pearson, John and Sue Rutherford, Demelza Waring, Liz Hicklin, Helen Sweetman, Jill Carter and Laura Rawlinson.
Wednesday, 22nd January 4.30pm – Benediction Mass with the School. All parishioners are welcome and there are plenty of seats in the “stalls” or in the balcony. (5.30pm Monastic Mass will take place as normal)
Friday 31st January 7.30pm Charlie and Mark Tibble’s House Group Gathering
A very informal house group gathering in Balcombe on the last Friday of each month. All Worth parishioners are very welcome to come, socialise, relax, have a drink and some snacks and get to know your community better.
Please contact Charlie Tibble at
The CTS New Sunday Missal (Standard edition, £19.95) is now available in the Abbey Bookshop. The Missal beautifully presents the new texts of the Lectionary and contains the readings and Order of Mass for every Sunday and solemnity of the liturgical cycle. This beautiful hardback missal with two ribbons will support prayer and devotion in all seasons of life. (Now available in the Abbey Bookshop in the Narthex)
The CTS New Sunday Missal 2025 Helpfully presented in calendar order from the First Sunday of Advent 2024 to Christ the King 2025, this lightweight, paperback Sunday Missal contains everything you need for Sunday Mass and Solemnities all year at £9.95. (Weekday Missals will be available in April 2025.
God of peace, bearer of hope, we seek your help for the peoples of the Middle East. Quiet the clamour of war and guide us towards peace. Where there is hatred and division sow seeds of calm and openness. Where there is destruction help us to rebuild. Where children are crying bring an end to tears. Shelter your peoples and protect them. Guide them and keep them from harm. Show us how to break down the barriers of history and fear and breathe whispers of hope. Amen. Linda Jones / CAFOD
The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales has also issued a Statement on the Second Reading of Assisted Suicide Bill 29th November 2024
Weekly updates
“On the third day there was a wedding at Cana in Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there.” Based on the gospel for Sunday 19th January, Second Sunday in Ordinary Time: John 2:1-11
Sunday Mass Sheet for the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (C) 19th January 2025 (Celebrant: Father David)
We, the parish of Worth Abbey, in the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton, welcome parishioners from a wide area. We benefit from a unique location among the Benedictine monastic community of Worth. We wish to become, by the grace of God, a strong Community, united in prayer to Jesus and to one another, by relations of love and commitment.
Our mission is to foster values of welcome and hospitality towards our fellow Christians, and to those of other faiths and none.
We are committed to service and outreach to the poor and those in need; to evangelisation; to the young; and to the protection of God’s Creation.
We seek to build upon existing work to nurture a flourishing parish
To register as a parish member, please click here
Please remember that the black bin in the Parish Office porch is available for your food bank donations.
Prayer requests can be found on the Pastoral Care page.