Anti-Slavery Day Friday 18th October 2024

“Human trafficking is an open wound on the body of contemporary society, a scourge upon the body of Christ. It is a crime against humanity” Pope Francis

Anti-Slavery Day takes place every year on October 18th, and is an opportunity to raise awareness of the fact that more than 122,000 men, women and children in the UK, are trapped in conditions of modern slavery.

It is estimated that there are now 50 million people living in conditions of modern slavery, an increase of 10 million people since the Global Slavery Index was published in 2018. Global issues such as conflict, climate change and authoritarian regimes have increased risks, leaving people more vulnerable to exploitation.


The Santa Marta Group is an alliance of international police chiefs and bishops from around the world working together with civil society in a process endorsed by Pope Francis who called it “an open wound on the body of contemporary society”, to eradicate human trafficking and modern day slavery.



Caritas Bakhita House is a safe house for women who have been trafficked, enslaved or exploited. Opened in 2015, it offers a safe environment and tailored, trauma-informed support to help guests begin their journey of recovery.

The Clewer Initiative believes that the tools to end modern slavery already exist within the local community and that the Church, which is present in all communities and at the heart of many, has a primary responsibility in leading these efforts. Over the last two years, The Diocese of Chichester and The Catholic Diocese of Arundel & Brighton have appointed 20 modern slavery ambassadors to work across the area, raising awareness of modern slavery.

Lord, you are a God who sets the captives free. Your Spirit searches restlessly for those in despair, that they may find the life you are calling them to. We pray for those who are being trafficked and callously put to work in our region.
On the cross, you were powerless and subject to the cruelty of others. Look with mercy on those who suffer this way. May we, who are blinded by the shallow distractions of daily life, feel the fear of the cornered and be roused to action. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen