Diocese of Arundel and Brighton Latest News

 The Word Who is Life: The Pastoral Plan: a look to the the future in a Post-Pandemic Setting 2022

It is now over three years since the publication of the Pastoral Plan for the Diocese. That first document was the fruit of a process of consultation across the Deaneries of the Diocese and the Plan was presented in each Deanery. In the intervening time, a number of positive developments have taken place. However, we have also been living with the Covid-19 pandemic for nearly two of those years and this has impacted significantly on every aspect of our lives.

The Word Who is Life is our subject, and the Mission of living and proclaiming the message of Salvation must be the focus for our every action, the measure by which we reflect upon our lives as the community of the Church.

Bishop Richard says “I therefore take this opportunity to invite everyone in the Diocese – lay faithful and religious, deacons and priests – to join with me in forging our parishes into communities of saints, into strong, lively and welcoming: schools of discipleship. May they be communities where the Lord is known and loved; where the liturgy is experienced as an encounter with the wonder of heaven; where daily prayer is a natural part of life; where all are welcomed and their dignity as children of God always recognized; where young people grow in deep love for the Gospel, for the sacramental life of the Church and for prayer; where all know the riches of the faith and seek to share it with others.”

How do you experience the presence of God in your life? The Diocese has a well-established Spirituality Network with a number of trained and experienced spiritual directors. To find out more click here 

Our Marriage and Family Life Adviser, Katherine Bergin, has worked with a range of contributors to create a fantastic brand-new newsletter, Grand News Summer 2024, aimed at diocesan grandparents. Writing in the very first issue, Katherine says:,

“Hello grandparents, our aim is to uplift your spirits and keep you in touch with all the wonderful things that happen in the Diocese. This newsletter aims to serve as a beacon of support, offering articles, reflections, and shared experiences to enrich your grandparenting adventure. May it be a source of inspiration and encouragement, reminding you of the meaningful role you play in the lives of your grandchildren and the broader community.”

Social Action Commission Annual Report 2024

Every year, thousands of men, women and children fall into the hands of human traffickers, becoming unpaid modern-day slaves in their own countries and abroad. Our Diocese is committed to combatting modern slavery in all its guises and has set up a Steering Group attached to our Social Action Commission which aims to:

Facilitate and co-ordinate public awareness of Modern Slavery and its abolition.
Support the practical needs of the victims of modern slavery in conjunction with relevant organisations and groups – including the provision of safe accommodation for those rescued from slavery.
Assist the Police in bringing the perpetrators to justice.

The Diocese has been working jointly with Sussex and Surrey Police to provide safe, supervised accommodation for victims of trafficking and exploitation. The fully furnished ‘safe house’ will provide an important haven for survivors pending a decision to enter the National Referral Mechanism.

Join this important movement for change, to find out more:

Fighting Modern Slavery Issue 1 November 2020

Fighting Modern Slavery Issue 2

Fighting Modern Slavery Issue 3 May 2021

Fighting Modern Slavery Issue 4 August 2021

Fighting Modern Slavery Issue 5 November 2021

Visit the modern slavery section of the Arundel and Brighton Diocesan website.

Pope Francis has regularly spoken out against slavery and human trafficking. You can read more here.


Our Diocesan Group is working on a joint enterprise with Together in Sussex to raise awareness of modern slavery. Together we would like to recruit ‘Ambassadors’ who would be willing to be involved in the process. Briefly, they are a point of contact, trained in anti-slavery issues and will generally be part of our campaign to raise awareness of modern slavery. For more information, to express a non-obligation interest, please email Tessa.Ricketts@abdiocese.org.uk


The Diocesan Ministry of Consolation: Do you have a good ear for listening? Are you able to support people who are going through a difficult time? Do you feel you are able to journey with those who are experiencing the loss of someone important in their life? If the answer is yes to these questions, you might be interested in joining the Diocesan Ministry of Consolation team of Bereavement Befrienders?

If you would like to find out more details, please email simon.south@abdiocese.org.uk for more information.

The Diocese’s Refugee Crisis Fund was established by Bishop Richard in 2015. Since its inception, the resources generously donated to the Fund have helped people in need of all ages and backgrounds, across our community. By donating financially, giving of your time as volunteers and offering your prayers and intentions, our many parishes have helped to promote the important mission of the Church and make the lives of refugees and asylum seekers living in our Diocese more hopeful.

Each year, the Diocese take more than 700 pilgrims to Lourdes to visit the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes. The group includes 130 pilgrims who are sick, disabled, frail or elderly and need our help to make the journey. Our pilgrimage is ‘Love In Action’, we journey to Lourdes to serve each other and to renew our commitment to walk with Jesus Christ with the help of Our Lady and St Bernadette.


The Catholic Bishops of Arundel and Brighton 1965-2020 by Dr Paul Severn is published by the Isle of Wight Catholic History Society, price £4.00. Find out more here.

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