If you’re stuck feel free to send us an email or have a look at our Q&A’s below…
What does Worth Abbey do with your details?
Your details are encrypted and stored in our secure parish database. They will not, under any circumstances, be passed on to any third parties without your permission.
What about data protection?
Worth Abbey Parish fully complies with the Data Protection Act 1998 (ISBN 0 10 542998 8). Your details will be kept confidential and will not be passed on to any third parties.
How do I navigate this site?
This site has been redesigned to make it easier to navigate and to make all our information more accessible. To find your way around use the menu at the top of the screen to choose the section you are interested in. From here you can choose the subcategory of that section by clicking on the subjects that appear in the middle of the screen. To return to the menu page at any time simply click on the Parish logo in the top left-hand corner of the screen.
How do I register with the Parish?
Either click on this link Register Now or use the main menu and choose About Us > Register as a parish member. It will take you to the registration page where you can fill in the boxes under the Register heading, then click on ‘Submit’ which will send your details securely to our parish database.
How do I remove myself from the Worth Abbey Parish database?
If you wish to remove yourself from the Worth Abbey Parish database at any time you need to follow these simple steps:
1. send an email to unregister@worthabbeyparish.co.uk
2. click on subject heading ‘Remove Me’ and give a reason and any further details in the body of the email.
Why can’t I log in?
Because this is only for the use of the Webmaster and Web Editor who are responsible for keeping the website up to date and for the content management of the site. You will not be allowed access to this part of the site.
How do I view PDF files?
PDF is a format which allows high quality documentation to be displayed on a web page. These documents are located on the Worth Abbey Parish server. When you initially click on the document or link your browser downloads it and then displays it. These files can be quite large and if you don’t have broadband yet they can take some time to show. If you are unable to view these files try downloading the latest version of the Adobe viewing software. This is available free on www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html
What do I do if I have any problems?
If you have further technical problems please go to the ‘Contact Us’ page where you will find the names of the people to contact together with an email address or telephone number. We’ll do our best to help.