When some years ago the parish voted to adopt the Divine Renovation programme, we began to follow the leadership model which they recommend, replacing the elected PPC with a group who are responsible for the various pastoral ministries of the parish. Listed below are the members and their roles.
Ann and Charles McCarthy: 9.30am Sunday Mass. Marriage courses. Alpha courses. Welcome ministry, Safeguarding reps annmccarthyuk@hotmail.co.uk charles_mccarthy@hotmail.co.uk
Carol Morice: 5.00pm Saturday Vigil Mass carolmorice251@btinternet.com
Rachel Davies: Junior Church. First Holy Communion catechist. rfrmaison@protonmail.com
Leonora van Assche: Young People and ecology – Worth Pro Earth leonora.van.assche@gmail.com
Jenny Chapman: Lectio, Bible study, Sunday refreshments, Eucharistic Adoration jenny_chapman@sky.com
Christie Grieve: Welcoming, RCIA, Alpha course and catechesis christiegrieve@yahoo.co.uk
Sue KIrby: sueashard@icloud.com
Geoff Chapman: RCIA Coordinator: gchapman@worth.org.uk
Emily Coughlan: Family Faith Formation emily_._mary@hotmail.co.uk