Family Catechism: Families, Faith and Fellowship

“Catechesis is, essentially, the formation in the life of Faith from the first proclamation of the Gospel Message, continuing through growth in prayer and the preparation for the Sacraments and then, through a journey of ever-deepening understanding of the ways of Faith throughout the whole of life.” (The Word Who Is Life: the Pastoral Plan), 7)

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19

Family Formation Process Worth Abbey Parish has significantly changed the way in which we support families both with their ongoing faith journey and with sacramental preparation. The Church has always maintained that catechesis, or ‘passing on the faith’ , is the primary responsibility of parents. As your parish family, we are here to work with, support and encourage you in this long-term process. We do this by gathering all families together to celebrate, learn and worship: we introduce to other families, provide you with quality resources that will help you and your children grow in faith and answer any questions you may have. At the core of this process are the age-appropriate streams for you and your children.

Baby Saints (children aged 3-5, Choir Vestry): Using child-friendly resources, your little one will be helped to develop a relationship with God. This will be through a process of wondering and exploration using tactile resources and gentle story telling. This is run by Maria and Johnny Welch, with helpers, using Good Shepherd Catechesis.  

All Saints (children aged 6-8, Compass House, Dining Room): This group for six-eight year olds and their families replaces the First Holy Communion Programme. Your child will need to be a member of this group in order to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion for the first time within the Parish. When they attend this group, they will learn more about what we believe, and develop their prayer lives – as well as making great friends!

The group leaders review the group twice a year, considering the spiritual maturity of each participant, and they will have a conversation with you if they feel as though your child is ready to receive the Sacraments. However, you are more than welcome to approach them first to have this conversation. You will be provided with materials that explain the discernment process, enabling you to take an active part in this big decision with your child.

It is anticipated that your child will remain with this  group after their reception of the Sacraments, to continue growing in faith and friendship.

Faith Alive (children aged 9-12, Compass House, Living Room): We are told in scripture that “faith without works is dead.” (James 2:17). Faith Alive is a youth group that helps your children explore what it really means to put their faith into action. Whether that be service within the church community, works of charity, or even active evangelisation! All of this within a framework of great fun and friendship. Saints Alive, for children aged between 9 and 12 years.  This is run by Martin Brown and helpers.



Inspired (teenagers aged 13-16 (St Benedict’s, Living Room): Helping teens discover what it means to be a disciple of Jesus, and supporting parents to respond to some of the bigger questions they may be asking. This youth group has replaced our Confirmation programme, so any young person who desires to receive the Sacrament must be a regular member of this group. The focus of this group is on building community and learning about God’s call in our lives.

The group leaders review the group annually, considering the spiritual maturity of each participant, and they will have a conversation within the group about who might like to be confirmed. Your family will be provided with materials which explain the discernment, enabling them to take an active part in this big decision with their child. It is anticipated that their child will remain in this group after the reception of the Sacrament, to continue growing in faith, be a witness to others, and learn how use the gifts of the Spirit which they have received at Confirmation.

Dates for 2024/2025 The sessions usually take place on the 3rd Sunday of every month during term time: 15th September, 20th October, 17th November, 15th December, 19th January, 16th February, 16th March, 27th April, 15th June (Please note the date for April).

Parents Group Despite the unimaginative name, this is a wonderful group to belong to as you get to know parishioners better, whilst learning more about our wonderful faith. There are 4 dimensions to formation (the process of becoming more like Christ) human, intellectual, pastoral and spiritual and our hope is to help you grow in all of these areas.

If you and your family would like to be a part of this ever-growing community, please contact the Parish Office  You will need to complete a consent form with your families and return it to the Parish Office. This will be sent to you as soon as you let us know that you would like to take part.



Parish Brunches: everyone is invited on the Second Sunday of each month to join in with this ever-popular opportunity to grow in friendship with each other. Christian fellowship is more important than ever in our increasingly more secular society.


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